How Gaudì designed structures
Il prof. Agustìn Lacort, Universidad del Paìs Vasco, terrà due lezioni sul tema "How Gaudì designed structures: a short review"
8 novembre 2012 ore 15.00-17.30
9 novembre 2012 ore 8.45-11.00
aula magna via Gramsci
Tutti gli studenti sono invitati a partecipare
Antoní Gaudí, perhaps the most important Spanish architect in the XIX Century, will be analised in this lecture considering his way for designing structures. The exposition is composed of three parts. In the first one, a brief author´s biography will be shown. In the second one, a short description of the most important characteristics of his structures will be exposed, and in the third one his structures will be classified in two groups: Group 1: structures for residential buildings and group 2: structures for religious ones. On one hand, something about the first group will be considered and an example will be analised: the structural solution round the court of Güell Palace in Barcelona. On the other hand structures for religious buildings will be shown: Before marking the main characteristic of them and before describing the two ways for analizing structures in the XIX Century, something about the three Gaudí´s point of views to design them will be considered: 1) by learning from Nature, 2) by using experimental proceedures (with hanging models) and 3) by using graphic methods. Besides, Gaudí´s resulting shapes will be described and will be compared with Gothic ones by using different schemes. And finally, an example of group 2 will be exposed: Güell Church and Crypt in Santa Coloma de Cervelló. Previously, a brief description about the Bask Country School of Architecture in San Sebastian-Donostia and something about the speaker´s research work will be exposed.